Invited Keynotes and Lectures

The PhDForum: A Doctoral Community on Twitter and its study room. (Keynote speaker at University of Ulster Doctoral Festival, University of Ulster, Belfast May 2022).

Facing trauma: The value of everyday relationships (Keynote speaker at Research in Practice Partnership Conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, March 2017).

Designing, conducting and disseminating research in the online world (Kingston University Qualitative research summer school , Kingston University, United Kingdom, July 2016).

How to curate a collaborative online doctoral community (Keynote speaker at Exeter Doctoral College Summer School, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, June 2016).

Child Sexual Abuse: Fear, Silence and Hope (Keynote speaker at Voicing Child Sexual Abuse, Altrincham Town Hall, United Kingdom, May 2016).

De-Constructing Victims of Child Sexual Abuse (Keynote speaker at CSA Everybody's Business, Fire Station, University of Salford, United Kingdom, May 2016).

Destabilising child sexual abuse has to be everybody's business (Keynote speaker at Meeting the challenge of child sexual abuse: From critical interrogation to collective activism, Media City UK, United Kingdom, January 2016).

Being a social researcher in SoMe spaces (Social media for Professional Use, University of Salford, United Kingdom, June 2015).

Using social media to curate a collaborative social research hub: A phd student's experience (ESRC Research Methods Festival, St Catherine's College, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2014).

Invited to join NATCEN Social Research Panel Abstract: Social media is used increasingly in social science research as a sourc... more >>.

"Sowing social media seeds to grow collaborative development" (Postgraduate Workshop - BPS Social Psychology Conference, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, August 2013).

Conference Presentations

Problematising and performance: Social pedagogical insights into constructs of child sexual abuse and exploitation' (JSWEC, Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, July 2016).

CSE Needs Analysis of Rotherham's Asian community (Ending the Silence, Carlton Park Hotel, Rotherham, United Kingdom, February 2016).

The application of theoretical pluralism to examine prospective adoptive parents (6th International community, work and family conference, Malmö, Sweden, May 2015).

Symposium: Applying social psychology to contemporary society (British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, May 2015).

Symposium - Discourse in action: Methodological challenges in Three Studies on Community, Work and Family (The 6th International Community, Work & Family Conference, Malmö, Sweden, May 2015).

Converging people and policies: The social construction of adoption in recent national adoption week campaigns (BPS Social Psychology Annual Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom, September 2014).

A fertile source drawn from infertile bodies: The embodied construction of prospective adoptive motherhood (BPS Psychology of Women Section, Windsor, United Kingdom, July 2014).

An intersect of Self: Traversing Art and Psychology (Collabhub Symposium, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, May 2013).

A phenomenological dialogic thematic analysis of maternal dyadic discourse during a mirror self-recognition study (BPS Psychology of Women Section, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, United Kingdom, July 2012).

Conference Organisation

BPS Psychology of Women Section (Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, United Kingdom, July 2015).

Feminism and Social Media (Media City, Salford, United Kingdom, March 2015).

Applied Psychology in the 21st Century (University of Salford, United Kingdom, October 2014).

BPS Psychology of Women Section (Cumberland Lodge, United Kingdom, July 2014).

Collabhub Symposium (University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, May 2013).

Internal University Support Received

ESRC Social Science Festival Award (July 2016).

Journal Editorship

Contention Journal (September 2013-2015).

British Journal of Social Work (2019-2020)

Memberships of External Bodies

Fellow of Higher Education Academy (United Kingdom).

Member of Nalgaro (United Kingdom).

Member of The British Psychological Society (United Kingdom).


PHD Ambassador (University of Huddersfield) (United Kingdom, April 2013-2015).

Founder of (United Kingdom, July 2012 - current).

My passion for international collaboration, support for social researchers and doctoral students led me to create a network of social media platforms. 

Other Evidence of External Esteem

BASW- Council Member (United Kingdom, May 2017-2020).

Reviewer: Children and Society Journal (United Kingdom).

Reviewer: Journal of Social Work Education (United Kingdom)

The Interdisciplinary Network for Social Protest Research - Board Member (United Kingdom, November 2014-2015).

BPS North West Branch - Student Lead (United Kingdom, October 2013-2015).

BPS Psychology of Women Section - Conference Lead (United Kingdom, July 2013-2015).